Thursday, November 12, 2009


Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God:
But only he who sees takes off his shoes.
Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Life is full of inspiration and so I am always taking pictures of things that have great color, creative function, or humor.  It is such a regular occurence that my daughter will say, "paparazzi!" every time we make something that is photo worthy such as these amazing gingerbread pancakes (let me know if you want the recipe).

In the process of capturing these free-flowing moments of the day, from the spectacular to the ordinary, it becomes apparent how really lovely life is...I feel like an anthropologist...searching for those sacred symbols of a life lived well. Opening up space in your home, you will find artists are everywhere offering their visions freely...which is why I love the chalkboard wall in my kitchen.

 The more I am aware and give thanks for these gifts, the more frequent they seem to appear.  Whatever you do, and whomever you are, your life is full of these signs of heaven.  Just grab a camera and start exploring.