Thursday, December 10, 2009

being polished 'til we shine

"If you are irritated by every rub,
how will you be polished?"
Jalal-al-Din Rumi, Persian philosopher, theologian and poet.

Getting the home ready every year for Christmas is my magnum opus, and I know exactly how I want it to look...a warm crackling fire, a sparkly tree adorned, baked cookies waifing in the air, the soft melody of Bing Crosby in the background while the children play happily by the tree...
Usually somewhere between the 1st and 9th days of Christmas, I start to freak out, and the wheels fall off the Polar Express. 
Sometimes the images we have in our minds can get in the way of true celebration.  In the pursuit of perfection or completion, we cause ourselves so much stress that we lose sight of the miracles of the husband calls this my "Norman Rockwell Syndrome" desire for the picture perfect moments to be real.  There are times that no matter how late I stay up or how hard I apply my efforts, things are going to be un-done or un-raveled.  It is like swimming against the current of expectations, interruptions, and deadlines hoping that I can make it in one piece.  And then I saw this phrase from Rumi...about letting these things polish us...
Maybe the events of our days or people who walk into our lives knock us off our ideal...and yet...they may lead us in a new direction with better vistas.  I like to think of it as spiritual exfoliation...the slow rubbing away of those behaviors that no longer serve me so that I can really shine.   As we prepare room in our hearts and homes to receive the miracles of the holidays...may we allow ourselves to be polished so that we can shine with inspiration!

P.S.  As if I didn't get this message blantantly clear today, the electricity went out twice as I was writing this...okay, I feel polished now! :)


kitten kitchen said...

I know how you feel Mixed Greens... this can be a trying time indeed. Rumi sure knew his stuff though!