He didn't tell me how to live;
he lived, and let me watch him do it.
-Clarence Budington Kelland, American author
Ten things my dad taught me:
- Always shine your shoes...it says a lot about you.
- Never underestimate the impact of spray paint, magic markers and duct tape...you can re-create the world with these.
- Start every day with a good breakfast.
- Make time to read and listen to good music.
- When things get too crazy, give yourself a time out to walk or take a drive.
- When you do a job, make sure you give it your best. He always told me, "Give 'em hell, Harry!"
- Be honest. It doesn't matter who else knows. But you do.
- Trust in God even when it doesn't make sense.
- Never give up on your children.
- Get to bed early so you can be up to see the sunrise.
To my dad and to dads everywhere...have a fabulous Father's Day!
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