"Around here, however, we don't look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we're curious...and curiosity keeps
leading us down new paths."
--Walt Disney
leading us down new paths."
--Walt Disney
One day while out walking in the city, I came upon this rather enchanted doorway...how I desperately wanted to knock on the door for it truly looked like something out of a picture book!! Of course, I respected proper decorum and kept walking. Doorways are an interesting piece of architecture...an invitation to come in, a warning to stay out, the mystery of the unknown. Many discussions are available on color, type, and style of doorway which can really set the tone for your home...this is the first impression you offer.
Doors of earlier days were made of silver, iron, bronze or gold. Today they are mainly glass, steel, wood or fiberglass. Elizabeth Arden popularized the Red Door, everyone knows who lives behind the door marked Number 10 Downing Street, and of course you have listened to the lyrics of the Doors...but do you recognize these doors? Whether doors be revolving, trap, Dutch, carved or French, they can become art and a display of your style. According to one real estate study, door colors best liked by buyers were white, red, or blue (source: activerain.com)
What I love most about doors is they are always an adventure...you never know what is on the other side...they symbolize opportunity if only you are willing to knock.
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