Tuesday, January 12, 2010

take time to do it right

Patience is power, with time and patience
the mulberry leaf becomes silk. 
-Chinese Proverb

On our recent visit to New York City, my husband and I stopped by the New York Public Library...not because we hadn't been there...but because last time we hadn't really LOOKED.  We were amazed by the attention to detail and art that existed in a public space...such as this ceiling mural in the Rose Reading Room.  We talked about how long ago, people knew how to build things to last...how these were tributes of the day...and how often the art of building has been lost.  Things go so quickly that often we miss creating something of lasting beauty.

I started to think about my own home and how quickly things break or change...yes, I have children and a dog, so some of that accounts to wear and tear.  However, how many things in my home did I really think about before buying?  Did I purchase it because it was cheap?  Because a friend was having a party and I didn't want to say no?  What kind of tribute is my home...are the things timeless or fad?  Quality or quantity? 

The current economic climate has all of us more mindful of our spending...this can be a good thing if we consider how we are changing habits in our homes...perhaps shopping around, finding exactly what is needed, and watching to not over-spend.  Sometimes it means being patient...by taking time to do things right...we not only save money but we capture the exact beauty and design we desire.